Ideas@Alleyn's: Root and Branch

Alleyn’s School and the Worshipful Company of Saddlers: 50 years of partnership

This illustrated talk will cover the origins of the Livery movement and its status and importance in the City of London. Charles will detail his own family connection and his experiences over 38 years as a Freeman of the Company. The talk aims to demystify the nature of the Company, its charitable work and specifically the Alleyn’s-Saddlers’ link.

Charles Barclay is the Vice-Chair of Governors at Alleyn’s and represents the Worshipful Company of Saddlers on the Board. He was Prime Warden (2015 to 2016) and the 4th member of his family to hold the post since the original saddler in 1760. He has had a career in teaching, at Clifton, Westminster (his alma mater) and lastly for 25 years at Marlborough College. He was Vice-President of the Royal Astronomical Society (2017-19) and directed the Blackett Observatory in Wiltshire. He is at the forefront of astronomy education and outreach in UK and an Academic Visitor in the Oxford University astrophysics department and Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford. He is a co-author of the Extended Project Qualification and has been a Principal Moderator for Pearson/Edexcel for 15 years.

Dates and times

This event finished on 03 November 2022.

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